iManage Work Desktop for Windows - April Release ( Public Early Access Program
Previously, early versions of iManage Work Desktop for Windows releases were available by request, however iManage has updated the Early Access Program (EAP) for Work Desktop for Windows to make it publicly available. The public EAP provides both iManage Cloud and on-premises customers the opportunity to verify the latest features and fixes in their environment and provide feedback before the early access versions become generally available (GA). For more information about the EAP or to access the download links see here.
Enhanced requirements for iManage password security
iManage Work Server Version 10.4.2 (part of the Q1 Cloud Service update and available to on-premise customers in mid April) introduces a new requirement for user passwords. Passwords must now contain at least 12 letter characters,including:
> one uppercase letter
> one lowercase letter
> one number or special character from the following list; ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ " / (including the space character)
This requirement applies to existing users when changing the iManage password value, and for new users that are created manually or via automated processes such as the Directory Synchronisation service.
Reminder: End of support for Internet Explorer 11 (June 2022)
In 2021, Microsoft announced the retirement and end of support for the following browsers:
> Internet Explorer 11: This browser will be retired on June 15, 2022. For more information, refer here
> Legacy Edge (non-Chromium): This browser was retired on March 9, 2021. For more information, refer here
As a result, iManage will discontinue support for these browsers on iManage Work and iManage Share on June 15, 2022. Users can continue using these browsers, however, support will no longer be provided. The recommendation is to move to the latest version of the supported browsers, see here for more information.
Reminder: End of life notice for iManage Work v1 REST API (December 2022)
Before the adoption and proliferation of iManage Universal API, iManage offered a Work v1 REST API available for partners and customers to develop custom applications and integrations. Today, the focus is on the iManage Universal API (also known as Work v2 REST API), with it being the go-forward approach for integration with the iManage platform.
iManage have issued an End of Life Notice for the Work v1 REST API to further focus attention and resources on the Universal API capabilities and simplify development options. If you have any custom applications utilising the Work v1 REST API, we recommend you immediately begin transitioning your tools and integrations to the iManage Universal API, more information on this see here. If you require more information contact support, otherwise see the article on EOL here.
Reminder: End of life notice for iManage COM API (December 2023)
Following the introduction and successful adoption of iManage Work 10, iManage are retiring all 9.x versions of the iManage Desktop Clients and their respective add-ons as noted in the End of Life notice. In line with the retirement of the COM API (the mechanism used by iManage Desktop Clients and other custom-built applications to provide RPC communications between iManage Work Server and client applications). If you have developed your own applications or scripts that utilise the COM API and related COM SDK (or extension libraries), these applications will need to be updated to directly utilise the iManage Universal API. Starting in 2024, any new iManage Universal API enhancements will be incompatible with applications utilising the COM API. For more information contact support or see here.
Blue Car DocuSign Connector for iManage Work & DocuSign Authentication
The Blue Car DocuSign Connector for iManage Work allows customers to streamline their digital signing requirements within the iManage DMS. Both Blue Car Technologies and DocuSign have notified OIA that DocuSign will retire support for email and password authentication methods used by the current version of the Blue Car connector. Blue Car Technologies is currently working on a new version of the connector to meet DocuSign’s new authentication standard, with an expected release date in April 2022. Once available, customers using the DocuSign connector will need to upgrade before the September 2022 deadline. Please reach out to support or your OIA account manager if you would like to discuss consulting services to assist with the process.
RSM Australia Work 10 Case Study
Moving to iManage Work 10 helped RSM seamlessly transition to hybrid working while driving productivity and service improvement.
Recent iManage Releases
Upcoming iManage Releases
> iManage Work Server, and iManage Work Web Server - April release (v10.4.2)
> iManage Work Indexer powered by RAVN - April release (v10.3.2)
> iManage Work Desktop for Windows - April release (
> iManage Work Drive for Windows - April release (v10.7.1)
> iManage Work Drive for Mac - April release (v10.7.1)
> iManage Records Manager - May release (10.3.2)
> iManage Threat Manager - May release (10.2.1)
> iManage Security Policy Manager - May release (v 10.2.1)
iManage Cloud Quarterly Service Updates and Maintenance
- Sandbox Preview begins March 8, 2022
- Production accounts will be updated beginning April 2, 2022
For all recent and upcoming Service Updates in the iManage Cloud see here.
New iManage Technotes and Known Issues articles in the Help Center
For all articles, please refer to the iManage Knowledge Base.
iManage Tips & Tricks
Inconsistent search results when searching within containers (folders) with subfolders
When executing a document or email search at the container (folder) level, the Basic Search bar does not automatically search the subfolders, with the outcome being inconsistent results when compared to the same search executed from the Advanced Search interface. To avoid this, users can adjust the Filters within the Basic Search to include subfolders in the search scope.
Searching for Folders
With the 10.4.0 release of iManage Work Web, users can now perform a simple search for folders in iManage Work. When the user is in the context of Folders within the Tree, selecting the simple search box defaults it to a folder search. Refer to the Work Web release page for more details.