
Process Automation Case Study
Toshiba-Tec Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn Bhd are a leading provider of technology solutions in Malaysia, with affiliates in many neighbouring countries. Operating in a highly distributed market, Toshiba-Tec needed to be able to respond to market demands and logistical challenges in a fast and efficient manner.
Benefits sought from Automation of Business Processes
Toshiba-Tec wished to obtain greater control over administrative and logistical operations, notably:
Save time and prevent decision-making bottlenecks
Provide real-time reporting so that status and progress could be monitored in a timely fashion
Enable a tighter connection between Toshiba-Tec staff, customers and suppliers
Convert paper forms and informal office processes into reliable and auditable web-based practices.
Implement a Workflow Engine from Advantys (“WorkflowGen”) and build web forms in-house to maintain control and provide reporting
“We have made a lot of progress in-house with WorkflowGen and can look at integrating its advanced reporting and analytics throughout the business. Support from OIA has been provided where needed and now this has enabled us to be masters of our own destiny.”
- Lim Siew Ling - ITS Department, Toshiba-Tec.
Advantys WorkflowGen
Advantys WorkflowGen allows you to automate both human and system-based processes using a comprehensive workflow designer which features multiple action, transition, synchronization and sub-process management. WorkflowGen allows process participants to launch new requests (for
example leave requests) and monitor their status in real time, in a single web view. The solution includes a built-in web form designer which allows non-developers to easily create professional-looking forms, which are based on HTML and JavaScript technologies and require no plug-ins or additional software.
Solution in Action
Staff at Toshiba-Tec wanted to be able to develop and write their own business process systems. With initial training from the Regional Distributor, Office Information Australia (“OIA”), staff at Toshiba-Tec implemented a full production version of WorkflowGen and were quickly able to produce forms for Administrative approvals, Transport Requests,
Purchasing and other line-of-business requirements. Reporting, Analytics and Job Queues were a natural by-product of these systems.
“The WorkflowGen engine will allow Toshiba-Tec to integrate everyday activities with their Oracle ERP and other Warehousing systems in due course.”
- Yi Wei Ang, Account manager for OIA.