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Pitcher Partners

iManage Work Implementation Case Study

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Pitcher Partners is a national association of independent firms. The association is represented by Pitcher Partners Melbourne, Pitcher Partners NSW, Pitcher Partners Perth, Pitcher Partners Adelaide, Pitcher Partners Brisbane and Pitcher Partners Newcastle.



Pitcher Partners needed a better way to manage its information. As the volume of electronic documents increased, professionals and divisions throughout the firm saved things differently across numerous shared network drives. There was no way to be sure that client or engagement information was complete, or that records hadn’t been changed or inadvertently deleted. “We had situations where we needed to be able to access documents quickly for a given client, and couldn’t respond in a realistic timeframe,” says Adam Irwin, Chief Operating Officer, Pitcher Partners NSW. As a result, the firm’s professionals understandably preferred to work with paper documents, leaving the promise of electronic information management unfulfilled.


“Office Information Australia helped us hit all the key timeframes and roll things out according to plan,” reports Irwin.



After reviewing accounting-specific products as well as document management (DM) systems, Pitcher Partners found the best of both worlds in iManage Work. “What stood out about iManage was its proven technology,” explains Irwin. “They’d been doing this for a long time while everybody else was trying to catch up, and had positive referrals about both their software and people’s overall experience with the company.”


Pitcher Partners NSW worked with iManage partner Office Information Australia to implement a new iManage Work-powered information infrastructure based on unified electronic client files. “Office Information Australia helped us hit all the key timeframes and roll things out according to plan,” reports Irwin. Says Stephen Litton, director of Office Information Australia, “Pitcher Partners made our work easier by thoroughly scoping the project beforehand. This kind of planning, combined with the implementation best practices we’ve built as more professional services firms make the move to iManage Work, goes a long way towards ensuring a smooth rollout.”


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