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iManage Roll Out Case Study

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Findex employees in 120 offices across Australia and New Zealand will gain a unified technology platform for collaboration and document and email management to use across the different lines of business within the Findex family of brands, which includes Crowe Horwath (Australasia) and Centric Wealth.

"Findex is passionate about ensuring that clients are provided access to the very best expertise they need,” said Scott Douglas, Head of Digital, Findex. “iManage Cloud meets our requirements, both from an architecture and user experience perspective. Not only do we need quick user adoption by our geographically dispersed staff, but we also require simplified change management and a solution that can scale to accommodate our rapid growth. We are confident that iManage Cloud will help our professionals effectively deliver comprehensive advice across the full spectrum of financial services."

Financial services firms have increasingly recognized that their success is dependent on effective management of client information and work product,” said Dan Carmel, Chief Marketing Officer, iManage. “With their shift to iManage Cloud, Findex will gain a powerful solution for collaboration and document and email management, delivered in a secure cloud. iManage’s market-leading functionality will provide new ways for Findex professionals to deliver value to their clients.”
In their iManage solution stack, Findex included iManage Work 10 and Mobility to drive workforce productivity, iManage Share for improved client collaboration and the recently released iManage Threat Manager to mitigate risk and help protect company and client information assets from internal and external threats.
iManage’s longstanding systems integration partner Office Information Australia (OIA) was selected by Findex to design and deploy their iManage Cloud solution, “because they know what they’re doing and can leverage their extensive knowledge and experience to meet our aggressive six-month deployment time frame,” said Scott Douglas.

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